Are Real-Money Video Game Tournaments Legal?

By Dan Artaev Video games are quintessential contests of skill and online multiplayer modes are a must in most modern video games. And yes, playing skill video games for real money prizes is legal in the majority of U.S. states. Some of


Revised Definition of Accredited Investor

SEC Changes in Accredited Investor Definition Last year, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) amended the definition of “accredited investor” to to expand the definition beyond specific income or net worth tests.  This is important because the sale of securities


83(b) Elections: Why and How

While many startup companies give stock options to employees, others give restricted stock to its founders and some employees.  “Restricted stock” is stock that is granted to a stockholder, but that is restricted because it cannot be transferred or sold


Conversion to a Delaware Corporation

If you have a startup, you have likely heard many times that you must be a Delaware Corporation.  What happens if you formed as an LLC in your home state?  Fortunately, Delaware allows for a simple entity conversion from a

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