El equipo / Alexander J. Atwood

"Brevity is the soul of wit."

William Shakespeare

Alexander J. Atwood


Alexander is an attorney at Padilla Law PLLC. He focuses his practice in the areas of business formation and structuring, venture capital and M&A.

Alex assists companies from corporate formation to financing and acquisitions, as well as corporate governance and general business legal advice.

During law school, Alexander worked for a boutique litigation firm in Dallas with an emphasis on regulatory compliance, consumer law, and general business concerns. Alexander also interned with a Kentucky Court of Appeals Judge and a large Dallas law firm specializing in product and premises liability. As an undergrad, Alexander worked in the areas of finance, marketing & sales, and foreign currency exchange.

Alexander has a strong history of community service. He has participated heavily in a non-profit aimed at providing fresh food to impoverished rural areas, as well as directed and coached a tennis program for under-privileged youths. Additionally, Alexander provided free legal advice and assisted unrepresented persons through SMU’s legal clinic programs.

He grew up in Lexington, Kentucky and enjoys playing tennis, chess, or reading novels in his free time.


Bachelor of Business Administration in Real Estate Finance, SMU Cox School of Business

J.D., SMU Dedman School of Law

Español de México

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